About us

the place where to expand and connect the sports community.

Contact us

Fast facts

Achievements we are proud of


Transaction volumes

As of May 2024


Total users

As of May 2024


Countries with Active Gyms

As of May 2024


For every athlete looking for a more organised and connected experience in sports MAAT is an all-in-one platform that creates an accessible network of gyms and sports events enabling a smooth transition between life at the gym and life in the community.


Brando Rossi

Co-Founder & CEO

Stefano Saitta

Co-Founder & CTO

Our story

November 2019

Strive is born.

Stefano’s Brazilian Jiu Jitsu head coach, Yan, was looking for a gym management app and asked Stefano to create one.

February 2020

No training, more coding.

We launch the payment collection system during the Covid-19 pandemic to support gyms in receiving money from their students to pay their bills.

September 2021

First customers.

Surrounding Jiu Jitsu gyms in Barcelona started using Strive to run their business. Then in Italy.

April 2022

A new introduction.

Brando joins Strive to drive GTM and new gyms acquisition.

October 2022

Officially a company.

Strive is registered in the Italian chamber of commerce as a limited liability company.

October 2023

Small milestones.

More than 1M EUR in transaction volumes and 50+ gyms across Europe are live.

February 2024

A new identity and vision.

We rebrand to MAAT with a renewed mission of connecting sport communities together creating a value generating ecosystem.
Read more about the rebranding here

May 2024

Funding team.

We closed a first funding round, tipped 2m EUR in transaction volumes and started hiring the funding team.